Saturday, October 20, 2018

Amritsar Dussehra Tragedy

With my deepest condolences to the lives lost and the families who suffered due to the loss of their near and dear ones, I would like to call out for action against the Organizers as well as the Local and District Administration who should be held responsible for the tragedy.

Though the leading media reports are highlighting the cause of tragedy to be "the train running over the people celebrating Dussehra"  specifically the way headlines on Economic Times read - Train runs over people celebrating Dussehra near Amritsar, over 60 dead. How irresponsible is that to simply sensationalize the news and implicate the railway department to this tune.

Did anyone ever think about the following aspects:
  1. Why didn't organizers take safety measures to create fencing around the location of Celebration to ensure that crowd doesn't spill over the Railway tracks?
  2. Why did Administration not deploy security personnel near the Railway tracks to ensure that crowd doesn't spill over the Railway tracks?
  3. Why didn't organizers and administration inform the railway officials to ensure that they could issue caution notice to the train drivers and deploy a 20-40 rule while crossing the celebration area?
From what I reviewed on the videos available, I couldn't place the responsibility of accident on the Railway department as I found it to be the total mismanagement by the Organizers and the Local as well as District Administration teams.

One more thing that I would like to highlight is the Law that prohibits Walking, Crossing or doing anything on Railway tracks that is the property of the Railway department.  It is a punishable offense to either stand, sit, cross or walk on the railway tracks.  So, certainly, Railway Department is NOT responsible for the tragedy from the perspective I look at.

It indeed is a saddening misshape that cause loss of valuable human life and it would require a lot of understanding and common sense to prevail.  Media also should behave responsible to not write headlines that would prove to be provocative in this case.  

One headline that can be called a responsible reporting - 

Overall, action must be taken against the Organizing committee as well as the Local and District Administration to this effect for their responsibilities. It is their failure that lead to this tragedy and that cause loss valuable human life.

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