Friday, November 27, 2009
शत शत नमन है उस वीर को - Tribute to the Heros of 26-11
जीवन जिसने अपना बलिदान किया
मातृभूमि के सम्मान में
सर्वस्व अपना त्याग दिया
निडर निर्भीक हो कर
शत्रु पर उसने वार किया
विजय की और अग्रसर हो
इसी सोच का आलाप किया
शत शत नमन है उस वीर को
मातृभूमि की रक्षा में
जिसने जीवन का परित्याग किया
अभिनन्दन है उस वीर को
रक्त से अपने विजय तिलक
जिसने मातृभूमि को अर्पित किया
Tribute to the Heroes - Recounting 26/11
Amidst all these follies, there were few unsung heroes. We know those who made it to the Media, the constable from RPF who chased the terrorists out of CST station, the ASI who threw his life at danger and lost it, but ensured that the lone terrorist captured could be captured live, Vijay Salaskar and Hemant Karkare, all these are the heroes whom the nation has saluted.
But we also need to salute the unsung heroes,
1. the Staff of Taj,
2. the Management Trainee which ensured that the entire group of guests attending a corporate seminar (that she was made responsible to organize from Hotel's Side) are rescued unhurt
3. the Taj Staff member who lost his life while ensuring that the bunch of guests he was trying to rescue moves unhurt. He did Succeed, but certainly at the cost of his life....
4. the General Manager of Taj who lost his entire family, but still ensured that the guests are rescued
5. the Staff of Oberoi
I mean there are numerous small sections of the 26/11 Saga where at each instance we will find a hero and out salutation has to be to all the Heros and not just those who's praise was sung by the media. From where I know the Tatas did more than they could for the families of the Victims of 26/11 and not just the guests and staff of Hotel Taj. I would say Hats off to the Tatas. They indeed are an institution in themselves, the institution showcasing the Social Responsibilities of the Corporate World.
I just wonder that there were a lot promises made as an aftermath of 26/11, but how many of them have been fulfilled? How close are we at safeguarding our country from such terrorists who are more of Amry waging a pseudo war on us?
For me the Real Salutation and real Tribute to the Heros of 26/11 would be to ensure that the Internal Security of Our Motherland is raised to the notch that any nation in the world should think twice before Sponsoring any such act in future.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Fwd: Is anyone more secular than the Indian Army ?
Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 11:35 PM
Subject: Is anyone more secular than the Indian Army ?
Any one more secular than the army? As a serving army officer, I never stop marvelling at the gullibility of our countrymen to be provoked with alacrity into virulence in the name of religion. I have never heard the word 'secular' during all my service -- and yet, the simple things that are done simply in the army make it appear like an island of sanity in a sea of hatred. In the army, each officer identifies with the religion of his troops. In regiments where the soldiers are from more than one religion, the officers -- and indeed all jawans attend the weekly religious prayers of all the faiths. How many times have I trooped out of the battalion mandir and, having worn my shoes, entered the battalion church next door? A few years ago it all became simpler -- mandirs, masjids, gurudwars and churches began to share premises all over the army. It saved us the walk. Perhaps it is so because the army genuinely believes in two central 'truths' -- oneness of god and victory in operations. Both are so sacred we cannot nitpick and question the basics. In fact, sometimes the army mixes up the two! On a visit to the holy cave at Amarnath a few years ago I saw a plaque mounted on the side of the hill by a battalion that had once guarded the annual Yatra. It said, 'Best wishes from -....- battalion. Deployed for Operation Amarnath. On another instance, I remember a commanding officer ordered the battalion maulaviji to conduct the proceedings of Janamashtmi prayers because the panditji had to proceed on leave on compassionate grounds. No eyebrows were raised. It was the most rousing and best-prepared sermon on Lord Krishna I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. On the Line of Control, a company of Khemkhani Muslim soldiers replaced a Dogra battalion. Over the next few days, the post was shelled heavily by Pakistanis, and there were a few non-fatal casualties. One day, the junior commissioned officer of the company, Subedar Sarwar Khan walked up to the company commander Major Sharma and said, "Sahib, ever since the Dogras left, the mandir has been shut. Why don't you open it once every evening and do aarti? Why are we displeasing the gods?" Major Sharma shamefacedly confessed he did not know all the words of the aarti. Subedar Sarwar went away and that night, huddled over the radio set under a weak lantern light, painstakingly took down the words of the aarti from the post of another battalion! How many of us know that along the entire border with Pakistan, our troops abstain from alcohol and non-vegetarian food on all Thursdays? The reason: It is called the Peer day -- essentially a day of religious significance for the Muslims. In 1984, after Operation Bluestar there was anguish in the Sikh community over the desecration of the holiest of their shrines. Some of this anger and hurt was visible in the army too. I remember the first Sikh festival days after the event -- the number of army personnel of every religious denomination that thronged the regimental gurudwara of the nearest Sikh battalion was the largest I had seen. I distinctly remember each officer and soldier who put his forehead to the ground to pay obeisance appeared to linger just a wee bit longer than usual. Was I imagining this? I do not think so. There was that empathy and caring implicit in the quality of the gesture that appeared to say, "You are hurt and we all understand." We were deployed on the Line of Control those days. Soon after the news of disaffection among a small section of Sikh troops was broadcast on the BBC, Pakistani troops deployed opposite the Sikh battalion yelled across to express their 'solidarity' with the Sikhs. The Sikh havildar shouted back that the Pakistanis had better not harbour any wrong notions. "If you dare move towards this post, we will mow you down." Finally, a real -- and true -- gem.... Two boys of a Sikh regiment battalion were overheard discussing this a day before Christmas. "Why are we having a holiday tomorrow?" asked Sepoy Singh. "It is Christmas," replied the wiser Naik Singh. "But what is Christmas?" "Christmas," replied Naik Singh, with his eyes half shut in reverence and hands in a spontaneous prayer-clasp, "is the guruparb of the Christians."UNQUOTE |
Saturday, November 14, 2009
कि कुसूर क्या है हमारा
यूँ क्यों होता है दर्द दिल में
कहते हैं फलसफा ज़िन्दगी का
आज जब कहा उनसे
कि दिक्कते यूँ पेश आती हैं
कह दिया उन्होंने भी
वही शिकवा हमसे
रुसवा ईन हो गए वो
कि मोड़ लिया रुख हमसे
सोचा न एक पल को
की हम कहाँ जाएंगे
छोड़ हमें चले वो राह अपनी
ना जाने कब आएँगे
ज़िन्दगी तुझसे क्या कहें हम
कि सोचते हैं अक्सर यूँही
मिलेगा कभी कोई हमें
जो सुन सके दास्ताँ हमारी
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
युद्ध का उदगार
युद्ध को अग्रसर वीर अश्व पर सवार है
हाथ में लिए वो खडग, कृपाण, कटार है
नेत्रों के उसकी मातृभूमि का सम्मान है
मस्तक पर उसके रणविजय का प्रताप है
कालसर्प सी लहराती उसकी तलवार है
कटार पर उसकी विजय की धार है
बाजुओं में लिए विजय का प्रमाण है
धरा ने किया जो आज ये रक्तपान है
वीर के रण धर्म में उसका रूप विशाल है
काली के श्रृंगार में उसका योगदान है
प्रखर प्रभद्ध ललाट पर रक्तिम तिलक की छाप है
रक्तबीज रक्तपान युद्ध का कोहराम है
संस्कृति के चक्र में इसका एक स्थान है
मानव के ह्रदय का ये एक उदगार है
उन्नति के पथ पर ये एक अर्धविराम है
प्रखर प्रभद्ध ललाट पर रक्तिम तिलक की छाप है
युद्ध को अग्रसर वीर अश्व पर सवार है
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
वर्षा ऋतू में जीवन का श्रृंगार हुआ
जीवन में हुई हलचल है
काली इन घटाओं को देख
तुम्हारी घनी लटों का आभास हुआ
यूँ बूंदे जब गिरी वृक्षों पर
तुम्हारे आलिंगन का आभास हुआ
नाचते मयूर को देख
ये ह्रदय भी पागल हुआ
वृक्षों से गिर जब धरती में सिमटी बूँदें
मेरे अंतर्मन में तेरे ही नाम कि पुकार हुई
पानी जब पहुँचा धरातल में
सींचा हर जड़ को उसने
बीज जो दबे थे धरती के गर्भ में
उनमें भी उन्माद हुआ
अंकुर फिर पनपा उनमें
तो धरती का श्रृंगार हुआ
देखो तो इन कोपलों से
एक नए जीवन का आधार हुआ
क्या कहूँ मैं तुमसे प्रिये
कि वर्षा ऋतू में जीवन का श्रृंगार हुआ
Sunday, November 8, 2009
'Force One', upgraded police to guard Mumbai soon
However, I am a little skeptical about the overall efforts being pursued on an ongoing basis. We had seen formation of similar Tourist Security Squad or something few years back, which was more related to be the Patrol to ensure security at various tourist spots and beaches. However that proved to be a fizz and the Commando force which had been created with much fan fare is hardly to be seen around except for chasing late night party goers on the beach.
The steps taken post 26/11 are indeed commendable, but what I think is - The work done would be well complimented only if they continue to work on this on an ongoing basis. The training to the Force One and QRT needs to be ongoing and the weapons be up-to-date to ensure that they do work when needed and do not get jammed like the old ones.
Also, if Fishermen have been involved to provide information, it indeed would call for tracking their numbers to ensure that they are not misused for other activities. Trust is good, but added vigilance steps are must.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
the wink of my eyes send shivers down my spine
the shiver down my spine makes me go weak in my knees
when I go week in my knees, I tend to bend down
when I bend down, I tend to sit on ground
when I sit on ground, I love to pick you
when I pick you, you again make me wink
when you make me wink, my cheeks go pink
Butterflies Butterflies, don't wink on my eyes
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Govt's facelift plan leaves Pushkar without a lake
It is almost like a nightmare to imagine Pushkar Lake Without Water. I have my own memories of taking a Dip in that Lake every time I have visited Pushkar. I certainly was shocked to read the article on Times of India. I was slated to be in Pushkar this time around, but could not, may be the Lord Brahma residing in Pushkar didn't want me to be the witness of Disaster that the Administration Work inflicted.
Seems the over ambitious project did not take into account the amount of protection the silt provides for Water to stay in the Ponds. Seems the over enthusiastic administration forgot to study the ill effects of desilting beyond a specific limit. Generally the level of ground water and the rainfall is supposed to maintain the balance for the level of water in the Ponds and Lakes. However it so seems that the level of ground water is not sufficient enough to let the pond hold the water and there we see the lake all dried up.
What has government and administration now to say and explain the situation?? Hope they do not say what has been discussed here as that would be a lame excuse of a blunder!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fwd: Interesting Facts on Religion..
After reading this, certainly we should be proud of our religion, which is not just a religion but is full of traditions and culture to follow and it would be called as a Way of Life.
Our religion has the history of accepting good deeds and things from across the world including the Invaders to our land. We even hugged them and made them feel comfortable and at home with the generosity we have. Its time to relook at our history and culture to help establish peace.
Cheers and read-on
Interesting Facts on Religion |
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pak police accuse India after 5 terror attacks in a day - Indiatimes
I am just getting a little expressive with my viewpoint that "What you sow is what you reap" is what bearing these attacks on Pakistani Soil. Evil you sow, Evil you reap is happening with them
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The mail below as a reply to the article that has been forwarded expresses the views of another Learned Indian. But, again is that going to help in a Mass Civil Movement, i guess not because We the Indians have become too lazy and in a way suppressed class of breed of human beings to even raise our hand to say "Aye I Agree to the change that is required". Most of us would read these mails, consider them as a forwards and simply move them to the trash folder. The maximum they would do is forward to other friends, talk it over the phone saying "Shame on the Government" or "Shame on AI Management" or similar other stuff and then go have their Lunch / Dinner cares their own tummy and forget this stuff with a post meal burp / fart.
Yeah the issues like this are often spoken and then vented out from mind with a burp or fart and the issues die their death over a period of time for the load of burps and farts bury them deep unless someone like Vir writes again.
How can you think of what Vir Sanghvi proposes, when there are the 'educated' elite leave aside the masses, who want to perpetuate a 'maa baap sarcar'?
At best they give the excuse by participating in the voting sham by casting their 'valuable' vote, more as a duty and responsibility in choosing the lesser of-the-evils.
Today afternoon Murli Deora was quite unabashed in saying, 'The Congress party will rule again in Maharashtra'. The operative word is 'rule'. What a feudal concept, when in a democracy, we the people are supposed to be the rulers.
With no party having the gumption to enact a constitution amendment mandating an unambiguous choice to a voter who does not approve of any of the rascals (besides the sons, grandsons, nephews and nieces of the same crooks) made to stand by all parties, it might just come to pass through a massive civil movement demanding just that, when you are again faced with the dismal turnout in today's elections.
At least, the media should have a radical re-think on their policy of having debates and columns on why the polity is faced with low voter turnout without injecting a fresh criteria in their discussions, that is this not a way of rejecting all candidates in the present scenario?
The Maharashtra (or the Central) government, after enacting a semi-Orwellian diktat of declaring the voting day a holiday, will still not wake up to the fact that there is systemic failure in the present election process, even if the overall voter turnout falls to 20%. Maybe 0% is what they are waiting for?
Privatise Air India before it’s too late
I blame Morarji Desai.
Readers of a certain age will remember the circumstances in which Morarji Desai lit a match to a slow fuse that was certain to destroy Air India. It happened this way:
In 1977, when the Janata government took office after the end of Indira Gandhi’s Emergency, it sought to punish those it regarded as collaborators with the Emergency regime. For reasons that are still not clear, Morarji Desai regarded J.R.D. Tata as one such collaborator.
Being Morarji Desai — by which I mean, a bit of a crank and a nutcase — he chose not just to punish JRD but also to punish Air India. So, he sacked JRD as Chairman of Air India.
By 1977, Air India had already been a public sector undertaking for many years. But it had retained its cachet as one of the world’s best airlines largely because the government had been content to let JRD oversee its operations as non-executive Chairman.
The chairmanship of Air India was a labour of love for JRD. The Tatas stood to gain nothing from Air India’s success (and indeed, many Tata grandees complained that JRD spent too much time on Air India) and JRD himself accepted only Re 1 a year as salary.
But the best kind of management is the kind that emerges out of love and passion. JRD was obsessed with Air India. He regarded it as his own child and in an interview in the early 70s said that of all the many things he had achieved in his life, the one he was proudest of was Air India.
Morarji Desai was more vindictive than he was perceptive. It never occurred to him that while the loss of the Air India chairmanship might break JRD Tata’s heart, it made no difference to the fortunes of the Tatas.
On the other hand, it destroyed Air India.
Once JRD went, the babus moved in. Air India became the plaything of the civil aviation ministry and the handmaiden of the government, used and abused by ministers and bureaucrats.
Even when Indira Gandhi returned to power, in 1980, there was no concerted effort to restore Air India to its old position of functional autonomy. The choice of chairman was left to R.K. Dhawan and he chose Raghu Raj, a former banker who had wanted to be Governor of the Reserve Bank but was given Air India as a consolation prize.
If the Chairman of Air India owes his job to the Prime Minister’s private secretary, then that tells you all you need to know about the equation between the government and the airline. And soon, ministers worked out that Air India could be their personal piggy bank. Every aeroplane purchased yielded a kickback of many crores; every Airbus leased guaranteed some bureaucrat’s fortune; and every general sales agent appointed meant suitcases full of lakhs.
There were some bright spots and some good appointments (Yogi Deveshwar, for instance) but the rules were clear. Whereas once the Chairman of Air India had been the mighty JRD Tata, all future chairmen would report, in effect, to some joint secretary in Delhi. When chief executives tried to assert their independence, the ministry encouraged politics within the airline. And in one scandalous instance, one of Air India’s brightest Managing Directors, Michael Mascarenhas, was victimised and persecuted by the civil aviation minister.
Almost every thing that has gone wrong with Air India in the last few decades can be traced back to that disastrous act of vindictiveness on Morarji Desai’s part. If you run your country’s flag carrier like a government department, a decline is inevitable.
There are other consequences too. JRD believed — to his cost — that he would run Air India forever. So every decision he took was made on a long-term basis. He cared less for short-term profit (and nothing for kickbacks) and more for building the brand and establishing Air India’s reputation. Ministers, on the other hand, knew that they had the job for two or three years at the most. So, they had no interest in the long term. They just bled the airline dry while they could.
As the rot set in and decline continued, the vast majority of Air India staff decided that they didn’t really care what happened to the airline either. As far as they were concerned, they had done their best and given it everything they had. But still, the airline continued to lose money because of inept management, political interference and plain old corruption. In such a situation, why should they continue to work their butts off when their efforts would come to nothing?
That change in mindset and collapse in morale have ensured that even when a few well-intentioned ministers (including Praful Patel) and chief executives have attempted to turn the airline around, these initiatives have always failed. You cannot run a company in the service sector if your staff no longer believes in service or in the long-term prospects of the airline.
That’s the problem the present management faces. When the new Chairman tells the staff that their airline is bankrupt and that it is up to them to make sacrifices, their response is succinct: Air India is bankrupt because chief executives and politicians have robbed it blind; why should we be the ones to make sacrifices?
It is a question to which no chief executive or minister can give a satisfactory answer. Why should a pilot agree to take half his salary when he knows that the airline’s problems have nothing to do with him? Why should staff give up their perks when they know where the money has gone?
As somebody who loves Air India and who believes that the airline still has a core of dedicated and outstanding (if increasingly disillusioned) professionals, I find the situation deeply tragic..
I wish Praful Patel and the new Chairman luck but the truth is that nothing they do will amount to much more than putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. As long as the government runs Air India, it will continue to strangle it.
So, what’s to be done?
It’s obvious really: privatise Air India.
It should have been done a long time ago. The BJP government was too obsessed with trying to prevent Naresh Goyal from buying it. And then, it refused to sell it to the Tatas who were interested. This government — allegedly a government of reformers — has, to its eternal shame, not made any moves towards privatisation.
So, yes, I blame Morarji Desai. But I blame other Prime Ministers too.
It is almost too late for Air India. Let’s try and save it before it dies. And the only way to save it is for the government to finally let go.
The views expressed by the author are personal
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Pain of the Soul
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Dilemma to Return
Monday, July 20, 2009
Your Love for me
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Getting Back with her
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My tribute to M.J.
In the end we kiss the death
We start our life in a home
At the end we are all alone
Is this a tragedy or an irony
Or a journey to eternity
Is this death a kiss of rose
With these questions, I arose
It's all up to us to decide
To think again and redefine
The way we live, the way we see
The larger picture in totality
All we need to do is be in love
Like the duck and the dove
Be an observer all the time
Live in present and all will be fine
- Vaibhav
Saturday, June 6, 2009
खड़े सिफर की कगार पर
आशय विहीन राह कि खोज पर
देखते कतरे ज़िन्दगी के बिखरते
मानो है कोई कश्ती तूफ़ान में डूबते उतरते
है एक इशारा ये खुदा का
कि ना समझ पाएंगे क्यूँ हुआ इतना फख्र
है फ़िर भी दिल में ये जज्बा
कि मिलेगी राह एक आगाज़ को
अपनी मुस्कराहट से क्या तुम दिला सकते हो यकीन
कि एक पल के लिए है कोई उम्मीद हसीं
मंजर कुछ ऐसा है कि तुम आते नहीं नज़र
कुछ दिखता है तो है वो तुम्हारा अक्स शामों सहर
है एक इशारा ये खुदा का
कि ना समझ पाएंगे क्यूँ हुआ इतना फख्र
है फ़िर भी दिल में ये जज्बा
कि मिलेगी राह एक आगाज़ को
नहीं अब हमारा खुदपर काबू
नहीं आता समझ है क्या सच क्या झूठ
रात सा अँधेरा होता है हर वक़्त महसूस
डूबता नज़र आता है ज़िन्दगी का हर रूप
है एक इशारा ये खुदा का
कि ना समझ पाएंगे क्यूँ हुआ इतना फख्र
है फ़िर भी दिल में ये जज्बा
कि मिलेगी राह एक आगाज़ को
Monday, May 25, 2009
मरासिम से मिली एक ग़ज़ल - आखों में जो भर देती है नमीं
हाथ छूटें भी तो रिश्ते नहीं छोड़ा करते
वक्त कि शाख से लम्हे नहीं तोडा करते
जिसकी आवाज़ में सिलवट हो निगाहों में शिकन
ऐसी तस्वीर के तुकडे नहीं जोड़ा करते
शहद जीने का मिला करता है थोड़ा थोड़ा
जाने वालों के लिए दिल नहीं तोडा करते
लगके साहिल से जो बहता है उसे बहने दो
ऐसे दरिया का कभी रुख नहीं मोडा करते
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Fall out of Devil and Angels - Devil's Pain
It’s an old saying – How much ever you try to teach them, Devils will always be Devils, uncivilized and ill mannered. This once again was highlighted by the turn of events and the final outcome in this case.
Devil as is known to be at places all the times roaming around like a nomad with own agenda and own way to life, once again was headed to the place where his Angel friends lived. Oh, yes it indeed is a matter of irony that the Devil had Angel friends, may be because Devil was Angel sometime, or may be Devil is Angel wearing a mask. Anyways coming back to the story, Devil reached that land where the Angel friends lived and was taken aback with a surprise for in waiting. Surely the Angel friends knew of Devil’s arrival plan, and the one of them a Cute and Sweet Angel was there to receive Devil.
The Cute and Sweet Angel whom Devil loved, loved for the Angel is a sweetheart. The Cute and Sweet Angel and Devil headed to Devil’s Den, where they spoke and spoke in length about the lost time. Devil who wanted to confess love to Cute and Sweet Angel was so much awestruck all the time that the motive to confess was lost. Devil lost the courage and the words to confess his love and erred to kiss the Cute and Sweet Angel instead in the Devilish way. The Angel was shocked and the anguish that followed was expected. But the Cute and Sweet Angel also required to understand that Devil was no way sophisticated. Devils have their own way to express their love and at times it tends to be very close to lust.
Devil realized the mistake but Devil being Devil was out of words and was out of any explanation beyond realization of his mistake. Devil was ashamed of what happened. But then what followed Shattered the chain of thoughts of Devil. The Cute and Sweet Angel blasted Devil for the Kissing Incident, Devil apologized, but didn’t have courage to confess his love. The Cute and Sweet Angel was too agonized and was joined in by the Handsome Angel who was common friend. The Cute and Sweet Angel and the Handsome Angel grilled Devil for the motive behind the act. Devil was already shattered with the way the Angels were questioning and cornering up. Devil was out of speech, loss of words and lost in the shattered and broken thoughts. Devil was in pain already for loss of love and the pain was coupled with the intrusion of a third party friend of the Angels. That broke the chain of trust and Devil could see the love lost in the bloodbath from the wounds of words. The words pierced through Devil’s heart and soul like arrows, they shattered the castle of feelings like house of cards.
Devil was not hurt for the way the Cute and Sweet Angel and the Handsome Angel blasted and were grilling but for the presence of unknown spectator in the entire episode. Devil was to accept and confess love for Cute and Sweet Angel, but the Words from the Unknown hit the deck of Devil’s mind recalling the Devilish ways back.
Devil is back to the Solitude of Life with the absence of Angels causing that niche and void in life.
The fallout of friends is something that hurts the Devil, but the hurt and anguish from the follow through scene of Kissing Incident has Shattered the thoughts of Devil to the extent that Devil will never head back to meet Angels.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Evils of Ragging - Death of Amann Kachroo
Stock Market - What's wise?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Terrorism - Mockery by Pakistan
Now read the latest flick on Pakistan's mockery acts -
The story says 124 terrorists were arrested and now they would be prosecute as per Pakistan's Cyber Crime Law... Ah Do they have any Law??
And Further Prosecuting Terrorists under Cyber Crime Law means degrading the severity of offense and thus weakening the case. Well if the probe has established that they were indeed involved then why not charge them as per the Criminal Law? Or is it that in Pakistan there is nothing called Criminal Law (guess so as the rate of activities that are criminal in nature is so high)
Why doesn't Pakistan simply hands-over the terrorists to India??? where they get a better treatment
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Satyam Saga - Shame on Auditors - PwC
The entire episode has created furor across the investors and employees as the trust factor has been maligned, but do we have to blame the Board of directors only? I guess not. In my opinion when the auditors are there to operate and provide independent opinion, then they should do that only.
Downfall of Satyam is not actually shameful for the Board of Directors and Promoters, but also for the World of Auditors. What were the Internal and External Auditors doing for letting this shameful incident materialize? Are not they also party to the downfall?
In my opinion, PwC's (The Auditors in this Case) license to operate as Auditor must be cancelled with immediate effect. The independence of PwC Auditors was certainly impaired and the act has proven as breach of trust that investors and market regulators lay on the Auditors.
It is not only that the Corporate Governance at Satyam failed, it is also that the Auditors compromised and let a company hit dirts.
Certainly PwC must meet the fate of What Anderson met after Enron.