- Central Excise Tax levied on Manufacturing Unit
- Service Tax levied on a Service Provider
- Customs Duty levied on Imported goods
- CST or Central Sales tax as levied on Inter-State Sales
- Value Added Tax (VAT) levied by the States on the Goods or Services
- CVD or Countervailing Duty and Special Additional Duty (SAD) as may be levied as compensating duties to Central Excise Tax / Service Tax
Thursday, December 10, 2015
GST Bill - A political milestone
Monday, November 23, 2015
Should India Do it
Sunday, November 15, 2015
एक नयी गाथा - हिंदू तालिबान
Friday, November 6, 2015
Tolerance of Intolerant India
- Did the country turn Intolerant only in few months or in last year or so?
- Were Mob Lynching of Akhlakh or Murder of Mr. Kalburgi the only signs of Intolerance?
- Why were these Pseudo intellects and Pseudo Seculars quiet over the years on various incidents that can be highlighted as mass atrocities -
- 1984 - Sikh Massacre - post the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Ganhdi's murder
- 1985 - Anti reservation Rallies by Students with Self immolation and death of Students
- 1985-1995 - Mass Exodus of Kashmiri Pandit's from Kashmir Valley
- 1992 - Mumbai Blasts
- 1992 - 2000 - Various incidents of terrorist activities, Bomb Blasts etc across the country
- 2001 - Parliament attack
- 2002 - Godhra Riots
- 2005 - Mumbai Train Blasts
- 2008 - Mumbai Shootout
- Many other incidents across the country including Nirbhaya case, Rapes with Minors including 2 year old girl in Delhi
- 2015 - Prof in Kerala had his hands chopped off by a group of radicals over a topic on Islam
- 2015 - A Gau (Cow) Rakshak in Karnataka is Murdered
- There are almost 300,000+ Churches in India with around 271 or so in Delhi itself. There are way few in Washington DC or in London and I can bet they are way below 100. Isn't that Intolerance?
- For Years Christian Missions have been converting poors in rural India to Christianity but when the same is done by Hindus with "Ghar Wapsi" is that to be considered as intolerance?
- Muslim Mosques have "Ajaan" or morning prayer at almost 4:30 or 5 AM in the morning across India, irrespective of the Time of the year. Even during the Exam times. Incidentally the use of Loudspeakers in Hindu celebrations is prohibited and needs special approvals. Not allowed after certain time of the day/night and even in the Marriages, the loudspeakers are banned during the Exam time. Is that not a "SHOW of Tolerance" and Acceptance by Hindus?
- For years Muslim oppressive rulers ruled from Delhi and including so called Liberal Mughals, every muslim ruler either used to get Hindus converted to Islam or get them killed / murdered. This went on for years - so are these Pseudo Intellects & Pseudo Seculars wanting India to go down that path?
- Hindus host Iftar Parties and prepare Sehri for the Muslims across India, but do any other community ever do that back for Hindu festivals? Does Secularism as well as Tolerance has to be only from one side and other side just enjoys the privilege?
- When a muslim is killed by a mob, it is atrocity by Majority group on the Minority community and when a Hindu is Killed by a mob, then that person must have irked the minority community. Is that the level of tolerance expected?
Monday, November 2, 2015
मानवधर्म की एक सत्य घटना
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Managers are not Natural Leaders
Monday, October 12, 2015
Hypocrite Liberals - Returning Awards
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
प्रेम के बदलते स्वरुप
- माता पिता द्वारा बच्चे को जन्म देकर इस संसार में लाना, उसे हर कदम पर सम्भलना एवं उसे बड़े होते हुए देखना; माँ का अपने बच्चों को हर मौके पर अपने आँचल में समेटना; पिता का उन्हें अपनी छाँव में सम्भालना; और हर ऐसा कार्य जो माता पिता अपने बच्चों के लिए करते हैं जिसमें त्याग भावना भी सम्मिलित होती है, वह उनके प्रेम से परिपूर्ण होता है ।
- बच्चे का बड़े होकर मित्रों से मिलाना; मित्रजनो के साथ अठखेलियां कर क्रीडांगन में क्रीड़ा करना; मित्रों संग घनिष्ठता से रहना, ये सभी प्रेम का दूसरा स्वरुप है ।
- और बड़े हो कर बच्चे का नौकरी पर जाना, वहां अपने सहकर्मियों के बीच सम्मिलित होना, सहकर्मियों की सहायता करना, ये भी प्रेम का एक स्वरुप है ।
- फिर बच्चे का विवाह होना, विवाह उपरांत पत्नी संग घर बसाना, अपने बच्चों के भविष्य की चिंता करना, यह भी प्रेम का एक और स्वरुप है ।
घुँघट प्रथा - एक कुरीति
- घुँघट प्रथा कब से प्रारम्भ हुई - ईस्वीं सं १००० के बाद
- घुँघट प्रथा क्यों प्रारम्भ हुई - क्योंकि दूर देश से आये आक्रमणकारी हमारी बहन बेटियों का रूप देख उनका शील भांग करने लगे थे
- घुँघट प्रथा के प्रचन में वृद्धि कब से हुई - बाहरी देशों से आये आक्रमणकारी में बसने लगे तो वे अपने साथ अपनी प्रथा लेकर आये - "हिजाब" से घुँघट प्रथा का प्रचलन बढ़ा
कृपया एक गाना भी याद रखिएगा - घुँघट की आड़ से दिलबर का दीदार अधूरा रहता है, जब तक ना पड़े आशिक की नज़र श्रृंगार अधूरा रहता है
Sunday, September 27, 2015
कॉंगेस का अधूरा सत्य
Saturday, September 26, 2015
भारत में पत्रकारिता का पतन
Friday, September 25, 2015
To Do Right or To Do What Right I am Supposed To Do
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Animal Rights - Micro Views
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Draught - Solution That may be considered
So, what should we be looking at to help those farmers committing suicide?
- Donate some funds to provide help
- Steer a movement against government and stage protest against government policies
- Educate farmers to steer clear of the middleman and corrupt officials
- Educate and Unite farmers for proactive ways on Water harvesting?
- Helping Farmers create Cooperative Society that should be taking their products to the Market and get them fair price advantage based on the share of their crops they bring in?
- Constituting the Farmers Cooperative Society as a registered organization with representation of farmers
- The Farmers Cooperative society can be national level society with Share holding patter defined differently for different levels of society
- Keeping the shareholding pattern of the Cooperative Society matching with the pattern of Produce that the Farmers bring in
- Setting up of funds to run the show at Farmers Cooperative Society
- Working with farmers to set up water harvesting projects and ensure that the water harvesting is worked out in an optimized manner
- Ensuring that the Water Harvest is covered and protected adequately from loss and contamination of water
- The overall control to be with the Cooperative Society with no Government interference as well as no scope of middleman as the Cooperative Society should be the one to deal with market directly rather than the middleman...
Friday, September 11, 2015
Being Vegetarian is Human
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Inflated Fuel Prices in India
Year | Crude Brent $/Barrel | Rs/$ | Rs/Barrel | Barrel to Litre | Rs / Litre Crude | Petrol price in India Rs./ltr |
Aug-04 | 44.9 | 44 | 1975.6 | 119.24 | 16.57 | 36.81 |
Aug-05 | 65 | 46.11 | 2997.15 | 119.24 | 25.14 | 43.49 |
Aug-06 | 73.1 | 44.49 | 3252.219 | 119.24 | 27.27 | 43.51 |
Aug-07 | 72.4 | 39.33 | 2847.492 | 119.24 | 23.88 | 43.52 |
Aug-08 | 116.6 | 49.82 | 5809.012 | 119.24 | 48.72 | 50.62 |
Aug-09 | 71 | 46.29 | 3286.59 | 119.24 | 27.56 | 44.63 |
Aug-10 | 76.8 | 45.09 | 3462.912 | 119.24 | 29.04 | 51.45 |
Aug-11 | 86.3 | 51.1 | 4409.93 | 119.24 | 36.98 | 63.7 |
Aug-12 | 94.2 | 55.45 | 5223.39 | 119.24 | 43.81 | 68.46 |
Aug-13 | 106.2 | 58.39 | 6201.018 | 119.24 | 52.00 | 71.28 |
Aug-14 | 98.15 | 60.56 | 5943.964 | 119.24 | 49.85 | 70.33 |
Aug-15 | 43.37 | 66.02 | 2863.2874 | 119.24 | 24.01 | 63.2 |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
आरक्षण - अवसरवादी राजनीति
Friday, August 7, 2015
Cooking Gas Subsidy
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Mysterious Death of Indian Nuclear Scientists
- June 15, 2009 - Lokanathan Mahalingam from Kaiga Atomic Power Station
- December 30, 2009 - Umang Singh and partha Pratim Bag - Bhabha Atomic Research Center
- February 23, 2010 - M Iyer - Bhabha Atomic Research Center
- April 2011 - Uma Rao - Associated with Bhabha Atomic Research Center
- 2012 - Mohammad Mustafa - Indiara Gandhi Center of Atomic Research
- October 2013 - KK Joshi and Abhish Shivam - Engineers on indigenious nuclear poered submarine - INS Arihant
- Undated - Ravi Mule - Nuclear Power Corporation India Ltd.
- March 3, (year unknown) - Titus Pal - Bhabha Atomic Research Center
- Undated - Dalia Nayek - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Secularism in India = Minority Appeasement
- Did you ever wake up at 2 in the night to go and check on the victims of terror attack?
- Did you ever walk in to the house of that Constable who was injured in a terror attack?
- Where were you when those terrorists attacked the Dinanagar Police Station in Gurdaspur? (oops I should have skipped this question as the answer is obvious "Busy preparing for saving Yakub)
Monday, July 27, 2015
July 27 Another Fateful Day
- Yesterday on July 26 we celebrated Vijay Diwas to commemorate our victory in Kargil.
- Pakistan has time and again failed to break Kashmir away from India
- Infiltration through LOC in J&K has become increasingly tough
- This is the time of the year when infiltration has to happen per terrorist masterminds as another couple of months and it would be tough to infiltrate. This would mean another few months of wait.
- So considering the above points, it so seems that the terrorist masterminds chose a porous border of Punjab. Why?Well Punjab as a state had become complacent of its action against Terrorist and everyone around thought terrorism wouldn't return.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
भारत का कटु सत्य
आज कुछ सन्देश मिला और उस सन्देश को पढ़ मन भारी सा हुआ। सन्देश के पड़ते हुए मेरी अपनी सोच को बल मिला जिसके अनुसार मैंने पहले कभी कहा था की भारत में धर्मनिरपेक्षता केवल हिंदुओं पर लागू होती है। धर्मनिरपेक्षता के नाम पर हिदुत्व का शोषण होता है। अगर भारतीय राजनीतिक गलियारों में झाँक कर देखेंगे तो आप भी पाएंगे कि भारत वाकई में। धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र नहीं है क्योंकि धर्मनिरपेक्षता के नाम पर सारी पाबंदियां केवल हिंदुओं पर लगती है। अभी पिछले दिनों दिल्ली में जो पुलिस वालों को मारा वहीं अगर धर्म बदल दिए जाते तो क्या होता?? दंगे होते और दिल्ली जलता
मैने किसी मुस्लिम को होली दीवाली की पार्टी देते नहीं देखा है, पर हिन्दुओं को इफ्तार पार्टी देते देखा है |
मैने कश्मीर में भारत के झंडे जलते देखे है, पर कभी पाकिस्तान का झंडा जलाते हुए मुसलमान नहीं देखा है |
मैने हिन्दुओं को टोपी पहने मजारो पर जाते देखा है, पर किसी मुस्लिम को टिका लगाते मंदिर जाते नहीं देखा है |
मैने ISIS का विरोध करते किसी मुस्लिम को नहीं देखा है, पर RSS का विरोध करते हुए लाखो हिन्दू देखे है |
मेने हिन्दूओ को भगवान पर जोक्स बनाते देखा हे पर
मुस्लिमो को अल्लाह पर चुटकले बनाते नही देखा।
मैने मिडिया को विदेशो के गुण गाते देखा है, पर भारत के संस्कार के प्रचार करते नहीं देखा है |
मैने करोड़पतियों के माँ बाप को वर्द्धा आश्रम में देखा है, पर किसी करोड़पति के घर में अनाथ आश्रम नहीं देखा है |
मैने साई के दरबार में लाखो चढ़ावे देखे है, पर साई के दरबार वालो को कभी गरीबो की भलाई करते नहीं देखा है |
मैने विदेशी गाडियो में विदेशी कुत्तो को घूमते देखा है, पर उनके घर के बाहर कभी गाय को रोटी खिलाते नहीं देखा है
अपना देश समाज बचाओ,
इन्डियन नहीं भारतीय बनो
------ वन्दे मातरम् ------